Production Blog: Second Day of Editing
Today we resumed where I left off last with editing. First I re-watched what I had edited last time. Then, I realized there was a few things I didnt like. The first thing I didnt like was how some of the cuts seemed so sudden and out of place. So, I adjusted the length of some of the clips and then I checked if that worked. It still wasn't like what I wanted it to be like so I had to try something else. I tried adjusting the audios so the sound woudn't suddenly change. I only adjusted the audios at the end and beggining of each clip. Suprisingly, it worked very well. The video seemed a lot smoother and the transitions as well. Before, the audio would suddenly change and it seemed very jumpy. This happened because the background sound was very loud. When re-watching I realized I forgot to do another thing. When the music was playing I forgot to mute the background audio. So the background audio was very loud and it sounded sloppy. I then muted the background audio and it was a lot better. Now, I jumped into some new edits I wanted to make. In the scene where Luke was in the closet it was very dark so I turned up the brightness. It made Luke a lot more visible. I then put some finishing touches and finished up editing.
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