Production Blog: Edits and Re-Shoots!!
Today we edited our final task a little bit. After we got out film reviewed, we realized there was some things we needed to change. The person who reviewed our film gave us some suggestions on what to change as well as ourselves. We also realized and gave each other suggestions on some things we had to change. First, we started on the computer. We began changing some things relating to editing. In the film review, the reviewer suggested some edits regarding lighting. He said it was too dark in the closet scene. So, what I did is I raised the brightness to the max brightness in the editing program for that scene. But it still did not look how I wanted it too. So, we had to reshoot that scene with the door cracked open a bit and the brightness on my phone turned up higher so we could see the character a little bit better. I re-watched it and was surprised at how much better it looked. Next, we had to do a few re-shoots. We realized the camera angles were a bit basic and bland through the film reviewer. So, we had to brainstorm some new camera angles we could use. We went back and looked at what kind of camera angles we could use and selected a few good ones. We then decided which ones to re-shoot and what kind of camera angle could make it more interesting and creative. We then went back and re-shot those scenes with those new camera angles. They turned out a lot better and the film looked less like a home video and more like a movie. Overall, this film review and edit process was very helpful and I believe it improved the quality of my final task greatly.
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