Production Blog: Rain Check
Today, we were planning on shooting at two different settings. We already had the shots planned in our head and we wanted them to look a certain way. A couple of things could easily effect how the shot looked since one of the shots was outside. This made it sort of a gamble on whether we could film or not. One thing that would effect the way the shots looked was the weather. We wanted the weather to be sort of cloudy or sunny. Prior to today, we planned out the time we would be filming our short film and we were really hopping the weather would be good during those times. We saw that it might be rainy but we had hope that it would just be cloudy. Well, it ended up raining. This means we could not shoot just because we didn't want the shots to look like that. Even though it was a step back, it was okay. All we had to do was just reschedule to another day. This time we made sure to properly prepare by checking the weather for the following days. We couldn't film the next day because we already scheduled to film and do our finishing touches that day. So we checked the weather for the 20th. This ended up being perfect as the weather was predicted to be cloudy. Cloudy weather was perfect for the tone and aesthetic we were going for in our short film. We set up times for filming and we were good to go. We learned a lesson today. Always check the weather before a filming day.
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