Production Blog: Shoppin' Again

 Today, I did even more preparing for my short film. Today I decided to go shopping for props. Last time I went shopping, I only went for costumes and didn't get props. I decided to use the same strategy for shopping for the props as I did with the costumes. The strategy is that I make a list of what I need prior to going shopping. I went act by act in the storyboard for my short film to decide what props I needed. I started with the first act. The first act consisted of scenes in a house with just normal household items so I didn't have to buy much. The only thing I made sure to put on the list was celery because that was in one of the shots. I decided not to buy this today as I wanted it to be fresh on the filming date. I then examined the second act. In the second act, the characters were planning a heist and were writing stuff down. I put down a notebook and a pen on the list for the second act. Finally, I examined the third act. In the third act the characters were robbing a bank and I needed a couple props for that. I put down on the list of props for act three a mini remote, fake money, and a backpack. Shopping for the props was a lot easier than shopping for the costumes. The only difficult thing was picking out the right mini remote that could fit into the short film. I didn't want it too look like a common mini remote that just controlled TV's. I ended up finding one though and the day ended up being a success. 


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