Production Blog: Filmin'

 Today I finally started the filming of my shot film. I knew I was an actor in the film so I had to do a little preparation before arriving. I did this by rehearsing and remembering my lines. Before I started filming , I was sort of nervous to be in front of the camera. This was because it was my first time in a really long time being in front of the camera. Today we just filmed Act I in one setting. We did this so we could really focus in on one scene and not get tired of doing the whole thing in one day. It took use a little bit to get started because we had to prepare the setting of the film. We did this by placing certain things in certain places and turning on certain lights. We also had to test different camera angles to see which ones looked good. This all took us about 30 minutes. After we did all this, we finally began filming. We started and we thought everything was going smoothly after a few takes. This was until we watched the videos back and realized we looked sort of silly. So, we then had to go back and re-shoot those videos. Mistakes happened, such as actors forgetting there lines or the cameraman's shadow being in the shot. This was easily fixable as all we had to do was re-shoot the video. It took us quite a while to finish the first act so we were happy we didn't have to do the whole thing in one day. After we were all finished we all hung out and talked about ideas for camera angles we could use in the second and third act. Overall, it was a successful

and productive day.


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