Filming Day

 What A Day

Today me and my groupmates shot some of our scenes for our commercial. We got to class and we had to wait for a little bit before we shot our commercial. When we all got to school we realized we had an issue. Our issue was that none of our groupmates had brought a football which was a big part of our commercial. Even though we had an issue we found a way to overcome it. Today we shot all the scenes that didnt include a football in them. Now that we had all the scenes that didn't include a football in them, the next filming day we could shoot all the scenes that included a football. Once we got the green light to go outside and start filming we got our hall pass and started heading out towards the football field. We carried our props like our Gatorade bottle and Nike T-Shirt. We got to the field an started filming the first scene. Our first scene included the actor walking up to the camera and putting down the Gatorade bottle. We made sure that in all scenes the gatorade bottle was in shot, the logo faced directly towards the camera. Our second scene had our actor facing the goal posts on the football field. Another issue we had to overcome was other people using the same setting as us for our commercial. We had to work around the fact people could be seen in the background of our scene if we were not careful with angles. We used some water as well to make our actor seem sweaty and more athletic. We also shot some scenes of the actor picking up the gatorade bottle and drinking it. On our next filming day we have to make sure our actor is wearing the same outfit as the first filming day. After we finished filming, we headed inside and gave back the passes.  Overall it was a fun experience and was very productive.


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