
      Hello everyone , My name is Luke Hamill and I am fifteen years old , I was born on October 30th 2005. I am a boy who likes to play sports like football and basketball and my favorite subject to learn about is History. I play Tight End and Defensive end on the football team at my school. Some of my favorite things in this world are music, sports, movies, and anything to do with having fun. I am very excited for the AICE Mediastudies course as I love watching any kind of movie and I am excited to see what kind of movies and videos I can conjure. 

      My favorite movies are any "MARVEL" movie, "We're the Millers", the "Fear Street" trilogy, and any other good horror movie. I like all kinds of movies because of all the different vibes they can give off. Superhero movies give me a feelings of happiness and excitement. While horror movies are fun and give me a feelings of fear, suspense, and some horror movies are funny. I like funny movies like "We're The Millers" because I like to laugh and they are fun.

     Another part of me is I get a lot of happiness from talking and hanging out with friends. I like hanging out with them a lot on the weekends play sports with them. A lot of my friends go to the same school as me but some don't. I have a medium sized friend group and we all are pretty close. My friends are a big part of my life.

      I live with my Mom named Jodi, my Dad named Peter, my Brother named Ryan, my Cat named Maggy, and my Dog named Pancho. I love all kinds of animals, especially dogs, cats and monkeys. Comic books are a very big interest of mine. I love all things comics related and it is a very big part of my mind. That was a basic summary of me , and there is a lot more. 


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